Our Terms of Use were amended as of March 26, 2024. You may take note of the amendments by clicking here.

What currencies and denominations do you dispense?

We only dispense Canadian Dollar bank notes in the $20 and $100 denominations.

Do I have to sell 1 Bitcoin (BTC) or unit of crypto?

No. You choose an amount in $20 CAD increments (maximum $980 CAD) and send an equivalent amount in cryptocurrency based on the price at the time of sale.

What is the minimum / maximum amount I can sell?

The mimimum you can sell is $100 CAD. The maximum amount of cryptocurrency that can be sold per transaction is a value equivalent to $980 CAD.

Do I need a mobile phone number to sell my Bitcoin?

Yes, the mobile phone is used to authenticate you as the seller and to send you a redemption code when your order is ready (i.e. when your crypto transaction is completed). For more information, read up on how to sell Bitcoin.

Do you charge a fee?

Our crpyto buy prices are some of the more competitive one's on the market. We establish the price using several factors including market rates available to us. Visit our Price & Fees page for more information.

Do I have to wait for confirmations on the blockchain before I get my money?

You will receive a redemtion code via text message on your mobile phone when there is 1 confirmation and your order is ready (Note: We recommend that you set the fee for your transaction to High priority (we recommend satoshis/byte or 0 bitcoins/kilobyte), and as a minimum at Normal priority, to avoid delays). For more information, read up on how to sell Bitcoin.

Why haven't I received my redemption code?

Your redemtion code is sent when there is 1 confirmation on the blockchain. The main cause for your transaction remaining unconfirmed on the blockchain is sending it without (or with a very small) transaction fee (i.e. the Bitcoin Miner's fee). If this is the case, expect it to be ignored for an unknown amount of time until a miner decides to process it and solves the block; this could be several days to several weeks, possibly never. Make sure to use a wallet application that allows you to set a transaction fee or transaction priority.

Currently, the recommended transaction fee is: satoshis/byte (or 0 bitcoins/kilobyte).

A second reason you may not be receiving your redemption code is that you haven't sent the full amount of crypto requested. You need to make sure that the amount of bitcoin you are sending matches the on-screen invoice exactly as the redemption code is sent automatically once the complete amount is received.

Ready to sell Bitcoin?