Please enter your mobile number and order ID so we can find your order.
The phone number you entered didn't work. If you have an international
number, please prefix it with + and your country's calling code.
For instance, Belgium's calling code is +32, so a Belgian number would look like:
+32 455 12 34 56
Please enter a valid phone number.
Please enter a valid Order ID.
Order Status
We're unable to retrieve the status of this order.
We're waiting for you to send your deposit.
Your order has expired. Please place a new order.
We're waiting for your deposit to confirm on the blockchain.
You will soon receive a text message notifying you that your transaction has confirmed. When that happens, please go to your chosen Instacoin machine and press the Redeem button.
You haven't sent enough Bitcoin. We're waiting for you to send the remaining amount.
Your deposit has been confirmed. Go to your chosen Instacoin machine and press the Redeem button.