Instacoin does not take ownership of your crypto, so your transactions are more secure, and you can choose the crypto wallet you want.
Become a member and automatically receive pricing discounts by earning Instapoints whenever you buy or sell crypto.
We don't only sell Bitcoin: Ethereum, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Ethereum Classic are also available for you to buy and sell at Instacoin Bitcoin ATMs in Canada.
Instacoin does not take ownership of your crypto, so your transactions are more secure, and you can choose the crypto wallet you want.
Instacoin allows you to buy and sell six different cryptocurrencies.
Fast transactions with a simple buy & sell process. No need to provide banking information.
202 locations in Canada to serve you better.
Hold your wallet QR code to the window and your wallet address will be scanned instantly.
Insert Canadian dollar bills. An updated total for your chosen crypto will be displayed after each bill you insert.
Crypto will be sent to your wallet. Reward yourself by buying something nice :)